Monday, December 18, 2006

BD sells blood glucose monitoring business

BD Logic and Paradigm link Blood Glucose Meter has been raised from the dead. I know some people were sad when BD announced a few months ago that they are pulling out of the glucose monitoring business.

Below is a press release from BD.

BD sells blood glucose monitoring business to Sanvita, Inc.

Important Information for BD Logic® and Paradigm Link® Users
We have some exciting news for you! There is no need to switch from using your BD blood glucose monitoring system. We are pleased to announce that BD has sold the blood glucose monitoring business to a valued business partner, Sanvita, Inc. This means that you will be able to continue to use the quality BD blood glucose monitoring system that you have been using.
Sanvita has a strong commitment to patient care, and to delivering high quality products and services. Sanvita will continue to supply test strips that work with BD Logic® and Paradigm Link® monitors through pharmacies, mail-order providers, and health plans well into the future.
This announcement is limited to BD blood glucose monitors and test strips and has no impact on other BD Diabetes Care products such as insulin syringes, pen needles, lancets, and lancing devices.

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