I need an outlet for my frustrations, triumphs and newly discovered delusions. My deliberate disregard for certain things (my delusions) is partly by design because I have decided that just as with medical practise the cure is more important than the side effects. Sounds stupid? Well not to me at least not at the moment, maybe a few weeks, months or even years from now things will look different and so will my reality.
A good decision can never be made a day too late as with my recent triumph. One of the best decisions I have made for me was to go on an insulin pump, meet “Pumcy” (like Percy) as I affectionately call him.

Yes, him and yes I named him. It’s the least I can do for the little machine that has become my constant companion. We are still getting to know each other, learning to live together and figuring out each other’s like and dislike.
I wake up every morning trying to master my joggling act, the secret act that takes place even as I type, sleep, eat, drive, while working. I joggle type 1 diabetes while my real life happens –

Welcome to my frustration of learning to live a balanced life, trying not to be overwhelmed by life while ensuring that I do everything in my power to starve off complications and live a healthy fulfilling life.
My name is Adjoa (African Akan name, meaning “Born on Monday”)