But! You look really healthy.
A friend once said that most people do not and will not take diabetes seriously because I make managing it look so easy plus I look healthy.
I was not amused when I heard those words on Sunday not after the Saturday I had just had.
This past Saturday we set out for a run, it seemed like all the stars were aligned. It was cool but nice out, my blood glucose starting out was at 5.7mmol/l (103mg/l). About 30mins into the run the muscles in my legs ached, I slowed but kept running. 45mins later I checked my blood glucose it read 10.1mmol/l (182mg/l), it explained why? - I muscles were aching for insulin. I pressed on for another 30mins hoping to burn some of this high glucose off, nausea set in and I was feeling downright sick, I checked my blood glucose again this time a reading of 12.8mmol/l (230mg/l).
I took a correction bolus and we opted for a long walk back home instead, my blood glucose took it sweet time coming down ever so slowly.
The rest of the weekend and today has been spent on the high side. How I wish it is as easy as people seem to think.